Project Name: Clairemont Mesa Bike Lanes (11-A3051)
Client: Caltrans
Location: San Diego, CA
Completed: May, 2020
Value: $230,700.00
Bike lane and barrier installation
Project Name: Carmel Valley Road Repairs
Client: City of San Diego
Location: San Diego, CA
Completed: June, 2020
Value: $3,060,275.00
Remove and recompact backfill at storm drain structure, various digouts and surface repairs
Project Name: Cole Grade Rd Right Turn Lane
Client: San Pasqual Casino Dev.
Location: Valley Center, CA
Completed: December, 2020
Value: $267,030.00
Intersection improvements and road widening to accommodate a new turn lane
Project Name: I-8 Ramps (11-2N0514)
Client: Specialized Pavement Marking
Location: San Diego County, CA
Completed: January, 2020
Value: $48,280
Shoulder backing at various on and off ramps
Project Name: Roadway Realignment
Client: Caltrans
Location: Dulzura, CA
Completed: March, 2020
Value: $2,582,321
Mass excavation and re-alignment of SR-94 near Freezer Road
Project Name: I-805 Emergency Work (11-3A2944)
Client: Caltrans
Location: San Diego, CA
Completed: February, 2020
Value: $122,428
Slope and drainage repair near Palm Avenue
Project Name: SR 163 Emergency Work (11-3A2284)
Client: Caltrans
Location: San Diego, CA
Completed: May, 2019
Value: $240,943
Remove and replacement of slope downdrain
Project Name: Construct Roundabout 11-405704
Client: Caltrans
Location: Valley Center, CA
Completed: January, 2019
Value: $5,607,000
Roundabout and re-align SR76 at Valley Center Road